Section: Dissemination


  • Jérémie Detrey gave a presentation on the Enigma machine and its cryptanalysis to high-school teachers as part as the “journée EPI-ISN”, where Paul Zimmermann gave a presentation of the Sage computer algebra system.

  • Paul Zimmermann animated a “Maths-en-Jeans” group with students from the “collège” Pierre Brossolette in Réhon.

  • Pierrick Gaudry gave a presentation at the “journée de l'Association francophone des spécialistes de l'investigation numérique”.

  • Marion Videau

    • participated to events on information about university studies for pupils and students (Cap sur l'enseignement supérieur, Portes ouvertes de la faculté des sciences, Oriaction), and about university studies and research to the general public (Sciences en marche),

    • gave a presentation at the “journée de l'Association francophone des spécialistes de l'investigation numérique”.